Actuación destacada del partido Fénix vs. Nacional: Manuel Ugarte

  • Lectura defensiva para cortar trayectorias de pase e interceptar, tanto posicionalmente en su propio campo como en el del rival cuando realiza acosos agresivos en la búsqueda de recuperar el balón / He is reading passing lanes in order to intercept and steal possession, both in his own half and in the opposition’s, when he is applying pressure aggressively in the search to recover the ball.
    • Capacidad de eliminar presiones con giros y su gran velocidad gestual para reaccionar y salir en conducción / His ability to turn around with the ball as well as his combination of speed and control while moving with it, help him avoid opposition pressure
    • A nivel pasador mantiene defectos y virtudes; es capaz de impactar en carriles alejados por su visión en largo y con intermedios filtrando entre líneas, pero maneja superficies muy ortodoxas en el golpeo que hace que este pierda calidad / When it comes to passing, we can find positives and negatives; he is able to make accurate long balls due to his vision and also find his teammates between the lines with intermediate passes. However, he sometimes hits the ball in very unorthodox places and as a result loses quality in his passing.
    • En un escenario abierto, de ritmo alto y transiciones, su intensidad y amplia capacidad para abarcar metros en el terreno de juego fue importante para su equipo / In an open and high-paced setting full of transitions, his intensity and overall ability to cover yards on the pitch were important to his team.
